
Posts Tagged ‘cornbread’


This looks suspiciously like the bread pudding I made last month...

Being a naive Yankee, the question, “y’all want dressing with your turkey?” caused much consternation during my first Thanksgiving as a college freshman in Missouri. What, like ranch? Thousand Island? Is it for dipping? No ma’am, w’all most certainly did not want dressing on our turkey. Dressing on the side, please.

Of course I quickly learned that dressing is the football to stuffing’s soccer, the Hardee’s to its Carl’s Jr., and in doing so I doubled the number of my favorite things to eat at a Thanksgiving dinner. I dream of some day attending a Thanksgiving where both a dressing and a stuffing are served, and the current Obamalutionary zeitgeist suggests that this day may be closer than we had ever dared to hope, but in the meantime I will content myself with today’s recipe. It takes my two favorite types of stuffing, cornbread dressing and sausage stuffing, and brings them together with that great social lubricant, alcohol.

Before we get down to brass tacks, I’m worried that the esoteric booze choice might keep you from ever making this recipe. Because seriously, why the hell do you need a bottle of Pernod in your kitchen? How are you going to use that thing up? What is Pernod?


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