
Posts Tagged ‘macaroni and cheese’


When I was a kid, I loved Stouffer’s macaroni and cheese. Once, my mother — an amazing cook — made mac and cheese from scratch and, because it was made with whole-wheat penne and also because it lacked a fluorescent orange color, I was not a fan. So it was Stouffer’s, or now that I’m a grown-up Annie’s, for me. However, even though Annie’s is ubiquitous and I know its fans are loyal, I don’t really see its appeal. I want my mac and cheese baked; Annie’s consistency always feels loose and soupy to me. But when you’re making mac and cheese for one, a box of Annie’s or Stouffer’s is the way to go. Mac and cheese isn’t expensive (though getting good quality cheese makes it a little less cheap than you’d think), but it is a Goliath of a dish. Meaning, the perfect potluck dinner party option. (more…)

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